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How Do I Prevent My Glasses From Fogging?

BeSpoke Vision

A guide on how to wear a face mask with glasses

Person with a face mask and foggy glasses

We can all agree that the world is a much different place now. Our daily habits are changing as we become more aware of what we touch and who we are around. Gloves and masks are not just for the medical community anymore. To guard ourselves, and others, it’s now everyone’s responsibility to practice the same care and concern.

However, some of us aren’t used to such procedures. Our normal everyday routine becomes interrupted in unexpected ways. Now that we are all in masks, some of us are experiencing an annoying phenomenon of chronically foggy glasses.

The fog is caused from the warmth of your breath being redirected up towards your glasses.

While there is no perfect fix, there are small things you can do to help. Each fix is dependent on the type of mask you are wearing.

Surgical masks and N95 masks give you the ability to pinch the top above the nose. This will seal the area and not let warm air up and towards the glasses. You can also twist the elastic into an x and then put it around the ear. That keeps it tighter and more sealed to your face.

Cloth masks are a little harder to change the way you wear it. Depending on the fabric used, it may not be as rigid as a surgical mask would be. If you are making your own mask, try sewing something like a pipe cleaner into the top part so you can pinch it at the nose like the surgical masks.

If you can’t get your mask to fit in a way that stops the fogging, try washing your glasses in warm, soapy water. Allowing them to air dry will leave a film that can displace the condensation from warm air.

You can also fold tissues and slide it under your mask, right above the nose. That will also stop the air flow from going towards your glasses.

While it may be singularly irritating to deal with, this is something most of us will have to deal with. Remember, it’s better to have foggy glasses, than to take off your mask while out in public.

If you come up with some clever tips or tricks, let us know! Don’t put anything on your lenses without checking with an optician first. You don’t want to ruin your lenses out of frustration.

Remember, we are all in this together!

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