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How Often Should I Have an Eye Exam?

BeSpoke Vision
Young person with  eye exam equipment


Well, this might be the shortest blog ever because the answer is most definitely….every year!


Okay, so perhaps there’s a little more to that.


Many people have the misconception that if they see fine, they are fine.

While your glasses prescription might stay steady, changes might be happening in the back of your eye which you might not know of without a yearly screening.

Skipping 2-3 years of exams could be incredibly detrimental if you are developing one of over 200 systemic diseases which silently threaten your sight.

Many of the biggest sight threatening diseases, like Glaucoma and Age Related Macular Degeneration, are not reversible and have ZERO symptoms. Because the beginnings of these diseases might not be readily apparent, the only way to save or slow the progression of sight loss is early detection.

In your exam, Dr. McGee can determine if you are genetically predisposed to such conditions, and in which case, she can start you on preventative measures. This could include vitamins or more regular exams.

It’s not only eye specific disease that Dr. McGee looks for. Exams can also catch cases of diabetes, high blood pressure, brain tumors and even cancer.

Sometimes, patients may not even be aware they had an issue and because of an eye exam, they were able to get the help they needed. It is said that eyes are the windows to the soul, but they are most certainly to your overall health as well.


If you are a contact, or glasses wearer in Oklahoma, your prescription expires every year. In the case of contacts Dr. McGee needs to make sure your eye is healthy enough to wear them.


Overlooked issues such as dry eye , can create issues for contact wearers which go deeper than just discomfort. Constantly refilling contacts without an exam makes patients vulnerable to eye infections and possibly even ulcers. Making sure your powers are correct is really only a small part of your exam visit.


Yearly appointments are also incredibly important for children. Our kiddos are resilient and can figure out work arounds to their bad vision. This can cause issues with schoolwork and attention span which is then often misdiagnosed as learning disorders. In fact 1 in 4 children has an underlying vision disorder that affects learning.

Giving children the tools to learn and reach their full potential includes making sure they understand how precious their sight is and quickly correcting any issues with their vision.

Our sight is often overlooked and taken for granted. Don’t let “I see fine” lull you into complacency. We are here to make sure your vision is taken care of and preserved.

If you’re reading this and it’s been over a year, give us a call today at 405-341-2062. Your sight is our priority, we hope you make it yours as well!

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