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Inspired by Teachers

Dr. Selina McGee

A personal message to teachers from Dr. Selina McGee

Teacher Adam Vogel


Some of the most influential people in my life are teachers. My mother is a retired teacher. My sister-in-law, all of my aunts, several cousins-teachers.



This hits closest to home for me though because 11 years ago I married a teacher. He has been teaching for the past twenty years at West Moore High School. Click to see an interview with Adam Vogel.

In his free time guess what he does? He teaches. When we met he was working two jobs-both teaching, English and Tae Kwon Do.

He chose to teach because he loves it, not for bonuses, summers free, or accolades like many other professions provide and certainly not because of the pay.

He knew exactly what the pay was when he entered the profession and he chose it anyway because he LOVES it.


The McGee Family

I will do whatever I can to support someone that continues to fight for what is right for our children and everyone else's children that he has the privilege of teaching.

As I look back on my life and reflect on my most important decisions, every single one was influenced or inspired by one of my teachers.

In fact, I still see two of those teachers as patients today. I am humbled and know without them and their support I would not be blessed to be where I am today.

My husband and other teachers make sacrifices to do what is right for our future and our children's future every day.

For Oklahoma to be ranked 49th for teacher pay is simply appalling.

Our teachers are amazing and should be revered in our community, supported by our state so that they can take care of their own families as they have done such an amazing job taking care of ours.

Teachers we support you. Thank you for everything you do and have done to help further me and my children. Please know that I am with you every step of the way!!

With gratitude,

Dr. Selina McGee

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