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Haunted by Night Glare? Shedding a Light on Cataracts

Dr. Bibin Cherian

Imagine this scenario: It's a beautiful evening, and you’re heading downtown for dinner plans with your friends. You eagerly get into your car, ready to enjoy the quality time. As soon as you start driving though, something unsettling happens. Glare from the oncoming headlights (especially with all the new LED light) blinds you momentarily and makes it difficult to see the road ahead. Halos surround streetlights, distorting their shape and size. Frustration sets in as you struggle to navigate through the night, and eventually you find yourself avoiding nighttime driving altogether. If this resonates with you, know that you're not alone. Many of my patients have shared similar experiences, where glare and halos have become increasingly bothersome, making nighttime driving challenging and uncomfortable. This frustrating experience can often be linked to a common culprit- cataracts. 

Cataracts are a natural part of the aging process, causing clouding of the lens in the eye. This clouding occurs when the proteins in the lens break down and clump together, obstructing the passage of light. While age is the primary risk factor for developing cataracts, other factors such as trauma, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions can also contribute to their formation. Oftentimes, cataracts are slow in progression. This can make it challenging to recognize the extent of the visual impairment caused by cataracts until it significantly interferes with daily activities.

Much like a window covered in dirt, cataracts obscure a person’s ability to see. As cataracts become cloudier, it limits the usefulness of even prescription glasses or contacts. In these instances, cataract surgery is the gold standard. Just as replacing the window would restore the pristine view, surgery aims to remove the clouded lens and replace it with a clear, artificial lens (IOL), allowing light to pass through unobstructed. This transformative procedure can bring back sharpness to your vision, much like having a fresh, clean window to look through. Additionally, there is a range of IOL options that can help minimize dependence on glasses or contacts. 

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms or are at risk due to age or other factors, schedule a comprehensive eye exam at BeSpoke Vision. Our team will perform a thorough evaluation of your eye health and vision, including a detailed examination of your lenses. We can determine the extent of your cataracts and discuss the most appropriate treatment options. Our team will evaluate your specific visual needs and guide you in choosing the most suitable IOL for your lifestyle and goals. We believe in providing personalized solutions that enhance your overall vision and quality of life. 

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